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Country Based Shipping Costs (or easy way to set flat shipping prices)
July 31, 2012 09:58AM
While this shipping method is meant to allow shipping prices outside the US, it could be useful also if you want to quickly define flat shipping rates also within the US themselves.
So, I'm summing up how that method works in this tutorial to provide an official reference for it.

Go in ONLINE PAYMENT OPTIONS => Shipping costs

In the "DEFINE ZONES" area, you simply assign one or more countries a "zone id".
For example you could add:
"Canada" with "zone id" = 1
"United States => Florida" with "zone id" = 2

Then, in the CONFIGURE ZONES WEIGHTS AND COSTS you set the real shipping costs matrix.
For example, you may add 2 matrices, "Ground" and "2nd Day Saver".
As shipping rates are naturally based on the weight that's to be shipped, you have to define a shipping cost for each weight break.
For example, you may add 2 breaks only: "From 0 lbs." and "From 10 lbs.".
This means, for example, that if the total weight to be shipped is 8 lbs, the value shown in "From 0 lbs." column will be used. if the total weight to be shipped is >= 10 lbs, the value shown in "From 10 lbs." column will be used.
You would need to fill the value of the row relative to the "zone id" you're interested in.

So, as per previous example, values defined for zone 1 would be applied is the customer selects Canada, and values for zone 2 in case of "United States => Florida".

For all other Countries/States not assigned to a Zone ID (for example, "Italy" or "United States => Georgia" ), the values defined in the All non defined Countries/States row will be used instead.
Leave that row's values to ZERO and keeping SHOW ZERO VALUES to no will prevent such value to be shown in case you're also using other shipping methods as UPS or Fedex.

Finally, don't forget you can define which countries you want to have listed as available from ONLINE PAYMENT OPTIONS => Define Countries You Ship To
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